Sunday 28 February 2010

More frogs and frog spawn

Very heavy rain all night and still just as heavy this morning.
At least the frogs seem to have enjoyed it as there are now over a dozen frogs in the pond and about 5 clumps of spawn.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Robin song

A lot of bird activity at the moment - must be the sunny weather, as many seem to be starting courtship and securing territories. I noticed a lot of blackbird activity down the track. The robin is continuing to sing. Being a relatively nice day I started some gardening, clearing the greenhouse and planting a few tomatoes, beans and sunflowers. While I was in the garden, the robin came very close and I snapped the pics below.
There was also a very vocal blue tit in a neighbours garden also seemed to be courtship. Not the usual blue tit foraging/calls behaviours.

Friday 26 February 2010

First frog spawn

First clump of frog spawn this year in the pond.
Only one frog visible.

A robin has taken up singing today from the apple tree that overlooks our back garden and from other trees nearby.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

First butterfly of the year

I was making lunch when I spotted this beautiful red admiral butterfly on the purple crocuses on our rockery.  It appeared to be feeding, but I did not want to get too close to check incase I disturbed it.
Interestingly it appeared to take no notice of the yellow crocuses. Once only a summer migrant, it has been believed for some time now that a small population now manage to overwinter. It is early sightings like this one that has led to this conclusion.