Saturday 26 January 2008

Damselfly larvae and plume moths

A mild day and so I decided to tidy up the garden, including the garden pond. This mainly involved removing the old plant material from the pond. Just in time I noticed a damselfly larvae hanging onto the stem of an old iris. I place it into a small dish to check it was okay before returning it to the pond. I double checked the other plant remains I had pulled out but did not find any other pond life attached.

I turned over the waterlily leaves and most had snail eggs on the underside, two had damselfly larvae so I decided to leave these alone.

In amongst the dry remains of last years pond grasses I noticed a plume moth flutter sluggishly amongst the stems. It appeared to be a brown Plume moth Emmelina monodactyla, I did not want to disturb it too much incase it ended up in the pond. Plume moths are very peculiar looking micro moths especially when their wings are tighly 'rolled' at rest. The brown plume moth hibernates as an adult moth through the winter.

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