Yesterday (Saturday 21st) I ran a course on Urban Birds in Crawley for the West Sussex Gifted and Talented Programme. After learning about a selection of birds and their adaptations to an urban environment we split into two groups and undertook our first of two guided bird watch in the grounds. The group I led was lucky enough to see some nuthatch.
Also as part of the course we did an experiment into bird song and territories. I played some blackbird song, but got no response.
I played robin song and a robin appeared in a tree outside the classroom. It came nearer and nearer singing very loudly, attempting to drive us (robin rival) out of its territory.
After about 3 minutes I turned the tape off and the bird went to the top of the tree and sang a more leisurely song.
This was a great experiment and very dramatically illustrated the use of bird song and territories to the children. This kind of experiment is fine to do as a one off and for a short period of time. It is quite natural for other robins to intrude into its territory from time to time, so our recording was okay for a short time. Its important not to play the tape for too long. 2 -3 minutes was fine. We did not want to keep playing the tape and be seen as a robin that was going to stay and challenge the robin for its territory.
The children undertook a food chain activity
While looking in the leaf litter for potential food for birds, we discovered this unusually marked common frog.