Thursday 27 October 2016

Acrobatic House Mouse

I watched this acrobatic house mouse outside my window feeding on the fruits of out passion flower.

It was fascinating to watch as he clambered around just outside the window and seeming unaware I was just the other side of the glass.

I have included some video footage below

Better quality footage at

House mice are often treated as vermin - but these tiny mammals are a great example of adaptability. In fact they have colonised much of the planet land mass as they have adapted to us humans.

The house mouse originally came from Asia and spread to Europe 4000 years ago. House mice took advantage of the spread of farming and hitch hiked on ships trading with other countries.

One might also blame mice (and rats) for domestic cats as they were first brought into Europe by the Romans due to the cats 'mousing' skills

Amongst the 44 plus children wildlife books I have written - high up there with the titles I enjoyed writing the most is a book about the humble house mouse.

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