Thursday 8 July 2010

Aerobatic Swifts

I have been enjoying my own personal aerobatic display every day as the swifts fly past their nest site next door. As our bungalow is on higher ground than our neighbour they screech across our garden our garden at some where between knee and head height.
I stand by the bush at the front corner of our garden, adjacent to our neighbours and they zoom by so close I can sometimes feel the draft created by their wing beats. Its also a good place to watch them fly up under the eaves to their nests.

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words, so here are some of my favourite shots.
They really are spectacular birds. Its always like greeting old friends when they return each year. I am going to miss them once they leave for Africa later in the year.

This ones a blackbird flying up onto our roof. A vintage plane to the swifts supersonic jets but equally spectacular in its own rights.

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