Saturday, 25 April 2009

A whole lot of nesting going on!

It is good to see so many birds nesting near our house at the moment. There are two pairs of blackbird that are nesting. One in the tree at the back of the garden discussed previously and another pair nesting in a hedge behind our neighbours garden.

This is the male returning to the nest in the hedge with a beak-ful of juicy worms. There is also a starling raising young in a nest built in the air brick of a neighbours house.

Three separate pairs of herring gull are also nesting on surrounding roof tops
Here are a noisy courting pair just down the road from our house.

This pair are having problems with last years chick, still hanging around and begging for food. The adults are trying their hardest to ignoring the juvenile.

They are also busy visiting the dirt track outside our house collecting materials for this years nest.

Another nest within site of my house.
These gulls already have a nest and seem very laid back.

That evening there was an awesome sky just after sunset.

Just after I took these pictures a lone swift circled round and after a few minutes flew into the eaves of our neighbours house. There are usually have about 3 nesting pairs each year. This is the first swift that has returned.

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